Nobel Peace Prize 2009

9 10 2009

I must say I was genuinely surprised to see in today’s headlines that Obama has won the esteemed Nobel Peace Prize for 2009.  I didn’t understand why.  I can’t say I have good knowledge about what it actually takes to bag the prize – the worthiness of work done and qualities possessed. Clearly there is a large information gap in my mind. 🙂 So, though I couldn’t quite comprehend the rationale behind this selection, I don’t have any reasons with me to doubt the inappropriateness of it.

From Obama’s acceptance remarks, it seems he himself was a bit surprised.  I really felt lost by his concluding words  –“… men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometime their lives for the cause of peace. That has always been the cause of America.  That’s why the world has always looked to America. And that’s why I believe America will continue to lead.

My immediate reaction was kind of – “is it? Really?”

Peace of what? Of America? That’s something I can vouch for. 🙂

Well, I can only say that different people have different perspectives of looking at and interpreting things…

One thing is sure – that America is powerful enough to affect the peace of the whole world. So, it might be good idea to award it’s promising president the Nobel Peace Prize as an advance incentive or motivation.

Congratulations Mr. President!



4 responses

10 10 2009

i was wondering the same too… 😦

11 10 2009

Nice one Sireesha. Infact, the Nobel prize is awarded by Europe and they were equally affected by the war that US brought. Though it is too soon to say that Obama made efforts worthy of Nobel prize, Europe must have suffered the previous war and wanted to encourage the forthcoming presidents of peaceful actions by awarding the Nobel Prize to Obama.

12 10 2009

Good point Nivedita!

14 10 2009

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